The vehicle slows down to pass a railway crossing, of the kind that dot the roads all over Kerala. While I have asked the question the answer perhaps is too deep. That is the Malayalam pronunciation of the Hindi words written in roman script for a song in a Malayalam movie. Khudaya Laota De Kashmir Dobara..!! As I hunt around in the pack of CDs he starts playing something. This poster is evidently not for the sons of the soil. Perhaps it will be a correspondent from The Time and then the whole world will know that somebody in Kerala has decided to hero-worship the ousted dictator just because he is a symbol against the might of the US. o khudaya lauta de kashmir dobara

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Two days back I had to make a road trip from Guruvayoor to Cochin. Urdu funny video, pakistani funny videos, punjabi totay, punjabi funny clips, mazahia and comedy clips, pakistani comedy video clips, funny poetry in urdu panjabi, funny poetry,indian comedy clips, pakistani funny c.

It is a prayer and an entreaty. A habitual reader and occasional writer. By the time we reach Cochin I have heard the song more than five times. Do you want to remove all your recent searches? Saddam is looking very angry and aggressive in it. I do not even try.


India A habitual reader and occasional writer. Twenty minutes into the journey, after having chatted over some obvious inanities, I ask him whether he is carrying any music. Next to the crossing is a run down building, possibly for the person manning the post.

A song reliving lost glory where the dobar is asking God to give him back his Kashmir. On its dilapidated front wall is an evidently recent poster. That is the Malayalam pronunciation of the Hindi words written in roman script for a song in a Malayalam movie.

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Even if it was not sung by Yesudas. Perhaps it will be a correspondent from The Time and then the whole world will know that somebody in Kerala has decided to hero-worship the ousted dictator just because he is a symbol against the might of the US. I wonder what it is with Keralites that we find it so difficult to offer words donara praise, even for Mohanlal. Pakistani comedy video clips, funny poetry in urdu panjabi, funny poetry,indian comedy clips, pakistani funny clips, indian funny clips, urdu khudaay video, pakistani funny videos, punjabi totay, punjabi funny clip.

KASHMIR DAY O Khudaya Lota De Kashmir Dobara | kashmir | Youtube

Some people kashmit me a compulsive cribber. I am not surprised. For all the awareness in the state and the relative comfort Keralites have with the language, English is not the standard medium for communication in Kerala. View my complete profile.

Listening to the words I realize that the song has been reasonably well penned. At best an average watch for a lazy Sunday evening. Pakistani talent, pakistani boy singing, punjabi songs, urdu songs, pakistani p, pakistani drama, pakistani movies, pakistani tv news, punjabi girls dance, home girls dance, local girls dance, pakistani funy videos.

In a state where people throng to the theaters to watch Iranian and Latin American filmmakers what is so odd about a Hindi song in a Mohanlal movie being a hit.

Guess who convinced Shahid Kapoor to take up the role. It is obvious that he has enjoyed the movie a lot. None of the words seem dobaara. The Defence of Islam and Pakistan. I smile to myself.

o khudaya lauta de kashmir dobara

A distance, apparently, of 85 kms where I was free to discuss or not discuss, politics, sports, movies, general affairs, everything and nothing with the driver, someone called Vikraman. O khudaya lota day kashmir dobara. I make a note of the words that I will have to get translated to understand the song fully. The words would suggest that the movie is hardly worth writing home about.

There is no compulsion to talk but there is nothing preventing it either.

o khudaya lauta de kashmir dobara


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