They started out pretty much exactly like any other rock band in India starts out. Secondly, Baiju Dharmajan; easily the star of the show. The title song Maktub is provided with a spacey sitar background as well as several other guitar overdubs and made out very powerful afterwards. If somebody does not pick these guys up soon I am going to be really angry and coming through your doors. A great find for fans of fresh, sophisticated guitar dominated rock music - 3. Latest members reviews No review or rating for the moment Submit a review. Ultimately, this album isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. motherjane maktub album

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motherjane maktub album

April 2, at Especially for a band that is trying to bridge the gap between pop-rock and progressive metal, this hurts them. In fact I was introduced to many of the present day bands from Finland by Indian students from our local university.


Retrieved 4 May Mani became the band's vocalist and wrote Motherjane's first original song "Disillusioned" soon after. And honestly, how many times can you listen to a guitar solo in a pentatonic maktb before wanting something new?

From the opening song, "Chasing the Sun", Baiju makes an artistic statement, echoed by the rest of the band and sets them apart from the pack.

motherjane maktub album

The band also headlined Levi's Great Indian Rock Other sites in the MAC network: Could you tell me how I can keeping up to date with it? The album was good, but not special.

motherjane maktub album

Maitub One Million Becomes One 3: So for any record company moguls out there — check this band out. In January Motherjane announced that Santhosh Chandran has joined the band as the band's new guitarist.

For one thing they seem to have learned to write catchy songs, atleast vocally. Solitude Aeturnus Beyond the Crimson Horizon. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. Towards the end of the band started work on a new single 'Clayplay' with Rex Vijayan as producer with a vision to revamp the sound of the band.

The vocals are meh but the guitar work is really good. Sadly there never really has been an infrastructure or even interest in India to support an indigenous band culture and facilitate that happening.

Whether this is the album and band that finally breaks Indian rock music out of it's box remains to be seen. I'm pretty sure it's different.

Motherjane - Wikipedia

In lead guitarist Mithun Raju left the band and was replaced by Baiju Dharmajan. Influence of Carnatic music was prominently seen in the guitar, vocals and percussion, and native instruments like the chenda were used. Motherjane was ranked No. Mail will not be published required.

Thanks for pointing it out! I'm rooting for it. Makrub One Million Becomes One 3: Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. However, motherjane has returned with Maktub and the growth of the band is astonishing. Motherjane is an Indian rock band from KochiIndia, formed in Eventually they even discovered progressive rock and put out an album, 's Insane Biography. With Maktub I think this amazing group from Kerala has found their own unique sound.

Retrieved 24 October


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